Database of mammalian genes

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Welcome to MGEx-Udb

MGEx-Udb (Mammalian Gene Expression Uterus database) is developed by manually collecting gene expression data (publications and repositories such as GEO and ArrayExpress) and applying a novel meta-analysis approach (BMC Genomics. 2010 Aug 11;11:467). This helped us to assign a 'reliability-score', which indicates the extent of agreement or contradiction of each gene's expression status across multiple gene-lists corresponding to every combination of condition(s) and location(s).

The database can be queried by gene, conditions or sub-tissue locations. The conditions covered so far include cervical cancer, endometriosis, endometrial cancer, endometrial cycles, chemical and hormone treatment, radiation and chemotherapy, knockout and transfection, and gestation.

Currently, the database covers 325 studies with 2254 data-sets corresponding the uterus tissue in human, mouse, rat, cow and pig. We invite further contributions to the database from fellow scientists.

For citation, please use:
Akhilesh K. Bajpai, Sravanthi Davuluri, Darshan S. Chandrashekar, Selvarajan Ilakya, Mahalakshmi Dinakaran, Kshitish K. Acharya. (2012) MGEx-Udb: A Mammalian Uterus Database for Expression-Based Cataloguing of Genes across Conditions, Including Endometriosis and Cervical Cancer. PLoS ONE. 7(5): e36776. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036776

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