Database of mammalian genes

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MGEx-Udb: user guide

MGEx-Udb is a gene expression database for various physiological and pathological conditions in mammalian uterine tissues.

Searching the database

There are two options to query MGEx-Udb:

Browsing the database

There are two options to browse MGEx-Udb:


  1. Query page for condition-based search
  2. Result page for condition-based search
  3. Result page for cluster analysis
  4. Gene information
  5. Protein information
  6. Transcript information
  7. Promoter information
  8. Expression information
  9. GO/PPI information
  10. PubMed information
  11. Cross references
  12. Query page for gene-based search
  13. Result page for gene-based search
  14. Browse by gene
  15. Browse by condition
  16. Browse relevant data from other resources

Condition based search

Condition-based search can be performed by selecting species, location (tissue/cell-type) and condition from each of the drop down menu provided in the search page (Figure A).For each species, a specific population/strain type can be chosen. Similarly, the search can be restricted to a specific sub-tissue of interest (e.g., cervix, endometrium, myometrium). A sub-condition for each physiological or pathological condition can also be chosen. For example, while querying for .cervical cancer. the user can choose a subtype of cancer ("squamous cell carcinoma" or "adenocarcinoma").

Figure A. Query page for condition-based search

Querying by a condition results in two gene-lists (Figure B),"Transcribed list" and "Dormant list". "Transcribed list" of genes represent the genes that are expressed, and "Dormant list" of genes represent the genes that are not-expressed, in the queried condition. The queried species, location and condition are displayed at the top of the result page. The complete list (transcribed and dormant) can be downloaded in text format by clicking the "Download" option. Gene-lists are also provided with the corresponding reliability scores for the genes. expression status, and Gene Ontology annotations for the first 100 genes. "Data source" section provides the references from where the genes were curated. Cluster (first 25/50 genes) analysis can be performed by using the "Analyze" option provided at the bottom of the result page (Figure B). The cluster analysis page is provided with various options (Figure C). "Cluster analysis using GeneMANIA" option allows the user to visualize the functional gene networks such as co-expression, protein-interaction and pathways. Multiple sequence alignment (gene/protein/promoter) can be performed for the genes of interest using "Align" option. Other analysis includes SNPs, pathways, diseases and GO annotations.

Figure B. Result page for condition-based search

Figure C. Result page for cluster analysis

Clicking on any gene in the result page (Figure B) takes to the gene information page that has basic information on the gene (Figure D), and links to other information such as protein, transcript, promoter, expression, GO/PPI, PubMed and cross reference (Figure E - K).

Figure D. Gene information

Figure E. Protein information

Figure F. Transcript information

Figure G. Promoter information

Figure H. Expression information

Figure I. GO/PPI information

Figure J. PubMed information

Figure K. Cross references

Gene based search

Gene-based search can be done by entering either Entrez gene ID or gene name/symbol or gene keyword. Multiple gene identifiers can also be queried by separating them with a comma (Figure L).

Figure L. Query page for Gene based search

Gene-based search results in a list of gene(s) matching to the query. Each gene has links to retrieve more information (last column of the table) such as Expression, Gene details, Protein details etc. (Figure M).

Figure M. Result page for gene-based search

Clicking on each link under the information column will take to the corresponding details (Figure D - K).

Browsing the database

Browse by gene

Browse by gene allows to browse the genes and related information by clicking on the gene listed in alphabetical order. Clicking on any gene in the list will take to the complete information page (Figure D-K) of the corresponding gene

Figure N. Browse by gene

Browse by condition

Browse by condition allows to browse the important conditions listed under each species. Clicking on any condition in the list will take to the result page with gene-lists (transcribed & dormant) (Figure B) of the corresponding condition.

Figure O. Browse by condition

Figure P. Browse relevant data from other resources