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1. TIPMaP schema
2. GEO platforms covered by TIPMaP
2.a. Human
2.b. Mouse
2.c. Rat
3. Probe to transcript identity across platforms
3.a. Human
3.b. Mouse
3.c. Rat
4. Probe to transcript identity for each platform
 4.a. Human
  4.a.a. Human genome focus array
  4.a.b. Human genome U133 plus 2.0 array
  4.a.c. Human genome U133 A2 array
  4.a.d. Human genome U133 A array
  4.a.e. Human genome U133 B array
  4.a.f. Human genome U95 Av2 array
  4.a.g. Human genome U95 B array
  4.a.h. Human genome U95 C array
  4.a.i. Human genome U95 D array
  4.a.j. Human genome U95 E array
  4.a.k. HT Human Genome U133A array
  4.a.l. HT Human Genome U133B array
  4.a.m. Human X3P array
 4.b. Mouse
  4.b.a Murine Genome U74A v2 array
  4.b.b Murine Genome U74B v2 array
  4.b.c Murine Genome U74C v2 array
  4.b.d Mouse Genome 430A 2.0 array
  4.b.e Mouse Genome 430 2.0 array
  4.b.f Mouse Expression 430A array
  4.b.g Mouse Expression 430B array
  4.b.h HT Mouse Genome 430A array
  4.b.i HT Mouse Genome 430B array
 4.c. Rat
  4.c.a Rat Genome U34 A array
  4.c.b Rat Genome U34 B array
  4.c.c Rat Genome U34 C array
  4.c.d Rat Genome 230 2.0 array
  4.c.e Rat Expression 230A array
  4.c.f Rat Expression 230B array
  4.c.g HT Rat Focus array
  4.c.h Rat Toxicology U34 array
  4.c.i Rat Neurobiology U34 array
5. Distribution of transcripts across genes (summary across all platforms)
5.a. Human
5.b. Mouse
5.c. Rat
6. Distribution of probes across probe-sets (summary across all platforms)
6.a. Human
b.b. Mouse
6.c. Rat
7. Distribution of transcripts across platforms

1. TIPMaP schema [Top]

2.a. GEO GPL platforms covered by TIPMaP (human) [Top]

2.b. GEO GPL platforms covered by TIPMaP (mouse) [Top]

2.c. GEO GPL platforms covered by TIPMaP (rat) [Top]

3.a. Probe to transcript identity across human platforms [Top]

3.b. Probe to transcript identity across mouse platforms [Top]

3.c. Probe to transcript identity across rat platforms [Top]

4.a.a. Probe to transcript identity for human genome focus array [Top]
Probes specific to a gene are shown in red font and probes specific to a transcript are shown in brown background.

4.a.b. Probe to transcript identity for Human genome U133 plus 2.0 array [Top]
Probes specific to a gene are shown in red font and probes specific to a transcript are shown in brown background.

4.a.c. Probe to transcript identity for Human genome U133 A2 array [Top]
Probes specific to a gene are shown in red font and probes specific to a transcript are shown in brown background.

4.a.d. Probe to transcript identity for Human genome U133 A array [Top]
Probes specific to a gene are shown in red font and probes specific to a transcript are shown in brown background.

4.a.e. Probe to transcript identity for Human genome U133 B array [Top]
Probes specific to a gene are shown in red font and probes specific to a transcript are shown in brown background.

4.a.f. Probe to transcript identity for Human genome U95 Av2 array [Top]
Probes specific to a gene are shown in red font and probes specific to a transcript are shown in brown background.

4.a.g. Probe to transcript identity for Human genome U95 B array [Top]
Probes specific to a gene are shown in red font and probes specific to a transcript are shown in brown background.

4.a.h. Probe to transcript identity for Human genome U95 C array [Top]
Probes specific to a gene are shown in red font and probes specific to a transcript are shown in brown background.

4.a.i. Probe to transcript identity for Human genome U95 D array [Top]
Probes specific to a gene are shown in red font and probes specific to a transcript are shown in brown background.

4.a.j. Probe to transcript identity for Human genome U95 E array [Top]
Probes specific to a gene are shown in red font and probes specific to a transcript are shown in brown background.

4.a.k. Probe to transcript identity for HT Human Genome U133A array [Top]
Probes specific to a gene are shown in red font and probes specific to a transcript are shown in brown background.

4.a.l. Probe to transcript identity for HT Human Genome U133B array [Top]
Probes specific to a gene are shown in red font and probes specific to a transcript are shown in brown background.

4.a.m. Probe to transcript identity for Human X3P array [Top]
Probes specific to a gene are shown in red font and probes specific to a transcript are shown in brown background.

4.b.a. Probe to transcript identity for Murine Genome U74A v2 array [Top]
Probes specific to a gene are shown in red font and probes specific to a transcript are shown in brown background.

4.b.b. Probe to transcript identity for Murine Genome U74B v2 array [Top]
Probes specific to a gene are shown in red font and probes specific to a transcript are shown in brown background.

4.b.c. Probe to transcript identity for Murine Genome U74C v2 array [Top]
Probes specific to a gene are shown in red font and probes specific to a transcript are shown in brown background.

4.b.d. Probe to transcript identity for Mouse Genome 430A 2.0 array [Top]
Probes specific to a gene are shown in red font and probes specific to a transcript are shown in brown background.

4.b.e. Probe to transcript identity for Mouse Genome 430 2.0 array [Top]
Probes specific to a gene are shown in red font and probes specific to a transcript are shown in brown background.

4.b.f. Probe to transcript identity for Mouse Expression 430A array [Top]
Probes specific to a gene are shown in red font and probes specific to a transcript are shown in brown background.

4.b.g. Probe to transcript identity for Mouse Expression 430B array [Top]
Probes specific to a gene are shown in red font and probes specific to a transcript are shown in brown background.

4.b.h. Probe to transcript identity for HT Mouse Genome 430A array [Top]
Probes specific to a gene are shown in red font and probes specific to a transcript are shown in brown background.

4.b.i. Probe to transcript identity for HT Mouse Genome 430B array [Top]
Probes specific to a gene are shown in red font and probes specific to a transcript are shown in brown background.

4.c.a. Probe to transcript identity for Rat Genome U34 A array [Top]
Probes specific to a gene are shown in red font and probes specific to a transcript are shown in brown background.

4.c.b. Probe to transcript identity for Rat Genome U34 B array [Top]
Probes specific to a gene are shown in red font and probes specific to a transcript are shown in brown background.

4.c.c. Probe to transcript identity for Rat Genome U34 C array [Top]
Probes specific to a gene are shown in red font and probes specific to a transcript are shown in brown background.

4.c.d. Probe to transcript identity for Rat Genome 230 2.0 array [Top]
Probes specific to a gene are shown in red font and probes specific to a transcript are shown in brown background.

4.c.e. Probe to transcript identity for Rat Expression 230A array [Top]
Probes specific to a gene are shown in red font and probes specific to a transcript are shown in brown background.

4.c.f. Probe to transcript identity for Rat Expression 230B array [Top]
Probes specific to a gene are shown in red font and probes specific to a transcript are shown in brown background.

4.c.g. Probe to transcript identity for HT Rat Focus array [Top]
Probes specific to a gene are shown in red font and probes specific to a transcript are shown in brown background.

4.c.h. Probe to transcript identity for Rat Toxicology U34 array [Top]
Probes specific to a gene are shown in red font and probes specific to a transcript are shown in brown background.

4.c.i. Probe to transcript identity for Rat Neurobiology U34 array [Top]
Probes specific to a gene are shown in red font and probes specific to a transcript are shown in brown background.

5.a. Distribution of transcripts across genes (summary across all human platforms) [Top]
There are "X" number of genes with "Y" number of transcripts.

5.b. Distribution of transcripts across genes (summary across all mouse platforms) [Top]
There are "X" number of genes with "Y" number of transcripts.

5.c. Distribution of transcripts across genes (summary across all rat platforms) [Top]
There are "X" number of genes with "Y" number of transcripts.

6.a. Distribution of probes across probe-sets (summary across all human platforms) [Top]
There are "X" number of probe-sets with "Y" number of probes.

6.b. Distribution of probes across probe-sets (summary across all mouse platforms) [Top]
There are "X" number of probe-sets with "Y" number of probes.

6.c. Distribution of probes across probe-sets (summary across all rat platforms) [Top]
There are "X" number of probe-sets with "Y" number of probes.

7. Distribution of transcripts across human platforms [Top]
There are "1246" human transcripts present in any "1" of the platforms considered.