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How to use TIPMaP

Click the links given below, to view data

Query options available in TIPMaP
Search by GSE ID
Search by GSM ID
Search by keyword
Search by gene name
Search by RefSeq transcript ID
Steps to make groups and perform analysis
Steps to list differentially regulated transcripts
Steps to list differentially detected transcripts (within groups)
Steps to list differentially detected transcripts (across groups)
Details provided in gene information section
Details provided in protein information section
Details provided in transcript information section
Details provided in BLAST result section
Details provided in transcript specific probe-sets section
Details are provided in browse by GSEs section
Details are provided for browse by RefSeq transcript ID section
Steps to selectively display the result?
Steps for sequence and structural analysis
Results for branch sites and splice factor binding sites
Results for RNA secondary structures and splicing regulatory motifs
Analyze for sequence conservation
Steps to process data of your interest
Steps to download data of your interest

Query options available in TIPMaP [Top]

Search by GSE ID [Top]
Steps to start analysis

Search by GSM ID [Top]

Search by keyword [Top]

Search by gene name [Top]

Search by RefSeq transcript ID [Top]

Steps to make groups and perform analysis [Top]

Steps to list differentially regulated transcripts [Top]

Steps to list differentially detected transcripts (within groups) [Top]

Steps to list differentially detected transcripts (across groups) [Top]

Details provided in gene information section [Top]

Details provided in protein information section [Top]

Details provided in transcript information section [Top]
Steps for sequence and structural analysis [Top]
Results for branch sites and splice factor binding sites [Top]
Branch sites
Splice factor binding sites
Results for RNA secondary structures and splicing regulatory motifs [Top]
RNA structural analysis using RNA analyser
Exonic splicing enhancers using RESCUE
Exonic splicing regulatory motifs using ESRsearch
Intronic splicing enhancers using ACESCAN2
Analyze for sequence conservation [Top]

Details provided in BLAST result section [Top]

Details provided in transcript specific probe-sets section [Top]
Details provided in browse by GSEs section [Top]

Details provided in browse by RefSeq transcript ID section [Top]

Steps to selectively display the result [Top]

Steps to process data of your interest [Top]

Steps to download data of your interest [Top]