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Gene information for DDX20 (Homo sapiens)
(Information is obtained from NCBI Gene database)
Entrez gene ID11218
Official gene symbolDDX20
Full nameDEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 20
Gene summaryDEAD box proteins, characterized by the conserved motif Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp (DEAD), are putative RNA helicases. They are implicated in a number of cellular processes involving alteration of RNA secondary structure such as translation initiation, nuclear and mitochondrial splicing, and ribosome and spliceosome assembly. Based on their distribution patterns, some members of this family are believed to be involved in embryogenesis, spermatogenesis, and cellular growth and division. This gene encodes a DEAD box protein, which has an ATPase activity and is a component of the survival of motor neurons (SMN) complex. This protein interacts directly with SMN, the spinal muscular atrophy gene product, and may play a catalytic role in the function of the SMN complex on RNPs. [provided by RefSeq]
LocationChromosome: 1   Locus: 1p21.1-p13.2
Gene position112298190 - 112310199  Map Viewer
Gene orientationplus
Gene size12010 bp
Gene sequence
OMIM ID606168