Gene Protein Transcript Blast result Transcript specific probe-cluster
Gene information for ANKHD1 (Homo sapiens)
(Information is obtained from NCBI Gene database)
Entrez gene ID54882
Official gene symbolANKHD1
Full nameankyrin repeat and KH domain containing 1
Gene summaryThis gene encodes a protein with multiple ankyrin repeat domains and a single KH-domain. The protein is thought to function as a scaffolding protein, and it may be involved in the regulation of caspases and thereby play an antiapoptotic role in cell survival. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants, one of which generates a fusion transcript (MASK-BP3) with the downstream eIF4E-binding protein 3 (EIF4EBP3) gene, resulting in a protein comprised of the ANKHD1 sequence for the majority of the protein and a different C-terminus due to an alternate reading frame for the EIF4EBP3 segments. [provided by RefSeq]
LocationChromosome: 5   Locus: 
Gene position139781429 - 139919441  Map Viewer
OMIM ID610500