Search results for GSM147522
Title2.5uM sapphyrin PCI-2050 treated A549 human lung cancer cell cultures replicate C
Source name2.5uM sapphyrin PCI-2050 treated A549 human lung cancer cell cultures replicate C
CharacteristicsA549 human lung cancer cells (1X10^5 per T-25 flask in 7 mL complete RPMI 1640 medium) were seeded eights days prior to treatment of non-cycling plateau phase cultures with drug. At four hours prior to RNA isolation, 2.5uM sapphyrin PCI-2050 (final concentration) was added to the culture. After incubation for four hours, the culture was washed twice with HBSS supplemented with 0.5% BSA and total RNA was isolated.
DescriptionA549 human lung cancer cells (1X10^5 per T-25 flask in 7 mL complete RPMI 1640 medium) were seeded eights days prior to treatment of non-cycling plateau phase cultures with drug. At four hours prior to RNA isolation, 2.5uM sapphyrin PCI-2050 (final concentration) was added to the culture. After incubation for four hours, the culture was washed twice with HBSS supplemented with 0.5% BSA and total RNA was isolated.