Search results for the GEO ID: GSE20666
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DLBCL_CH1_Ctrl Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma line CH1, non-treated cell line: B-cell lymphoma CH1 The formation of aberrant heterochromatic foci, coupled to abnormal enrichment of adjacent 2p sequences in repressive heterochromatin marks (H4K20me3, H3K9me3 and HP1), delayed replication and repositioning of the rearranged chromosome 2 to the nuclear periphery, could be associated to altered gene expression of at least those genes brought into close proximity to heterochromatin. To assess this question, global gene expression profiling was performed in the lymphoma B cells presenting the aberrant heterochromatin foci (CH1), treated or not with the histone deacetylase inhibitor, trichostatin A. This control DLBCL_CH1 sample was compared to a Trichostatin A treated sample.
DLBCL_CH1_TSA Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma line CH1, Trichostatin A-treated cell line: B-cell lymphoma CH1 The formation of aberrant heterochromatic foci, coupled to abnormal enrichment of adjacent 2p sequences in repressive heterochromatin marks (H4K20me3, H3K9me3 and HP1), delayed replication and repositioning of the rearranged chromosome 2 to the nuclear periphery, could be associated to altered gene expression of at least those genes brought into close proximity to heterochromatin. To assess this question, global gene expression profiling was performed in the lymphoma B cells presenting the aberrant heterochromatin foci (CH1), treated or not with the histone deacetylase inhibitor, trichostatin A. This TSA-treated DLBCL_CH1 sample was compared to a non-treated sample.
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