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Gene information for ANAPC13 (Homo sapiens)
(Information is obtained from NCBI Gene database)
Entrez gene ID25847
Official gene symbolANAPC13
Full nameanaphase promoting complex subunit 13
Gene summaryThis gene encodes a component of the anaphase promoting complex, a large ubiquitin-protein ligase that controls cell cycle progression by regulating the degradation of cell cycle regulators such as B-type cyclins. The encoded protein is evolutionarily conserved and is required for the integrity and ubiquitin ligase activity of the anaphase promoting complex. Pseudogenes and splice variants have been found for this gene; however, the biological validity of some of the splice variants has not been determined. [provided by RefSeq]
LocationChromosome: 3   Locus: 3q22.2
Gene position134204865 - 134196546  Map Viewer
Gene orientationminus
Gene size8320 bp
Gene sequence