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Gene Protein Transcript Promoter Expression GO/PPI PubMed Cross reference

Gene information for APOC3 (Homo sapiens)
(Information is obtained from NCBI Gene database)
Entrez gene ID345
Official gene symbolAPOC3
Full nameapolipoprotein C-III
Gene summaryApolipoprotein C-III is a very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) protein. APOC3 inhibits lipoprotein lipase and hepatic lipase; it is thought to delay catabolism of triglyceride-rich particles. The APOA1, APOC3 and APOA4 genes are closely linked in both rat and human genomes. The A-I and A-IV genes are transcribed from the same strand, while the A-1 and C-III genes are convergently transcribed. An increase in apoC-III levels induces the development of hypertriglyceridemia. [provided by RefSeq]
LocationChromosome: 11   Locus: 11q23.1-q23.2
Gene position116700624 - 116703787  Map Viewer
Gene orientationplus
Gene size3164 bp
Gene sequence
OMIM ID107720