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Gene Protein Transcript Promoter Expression GO/PPI PubMed Cross reference

Gene information for AR (Homo sapiens)
(Information is obtained from NCBI Gene database)
Entrez gene ID367
Official gene symbolAR
Full nameandrogen receptor
Gene summaryThe androgen receptor gene is more than 90 kb long and codes for a protein that has 3 major functional domains: the N-terminal domain, DNA-binding domain, and androgen-binding domain. The protein functions as a steroid-hormone activated transcription factor. Upon binding the hormone ligand, the receptor dissociates from accessory proteins, translocates into the nucleus, dimerizes, and then stimulates transcription of androgen responsive genes. This gene contains 2 polymorphic trinucleotide repeat segments that encode polyglutamine and polyglycine tracts in the N-terminal transactivation domain of its protein. Expansion of the polyglutamine tract causes spinal bulbar muscular atrophy (Kennedy disease). Mutations in this gene are also associated with complete androgen insensitivity (CAIS). Two alternatively spliced variants encoding distinct isoforms have been described. [provided by RefSeq]
LocationChromosome: X   Locus: Xq11.2-q12
Gene position66763874 - 66944119  Map Viewer
Gene orientationplus
Gene size180246 bp
Gene sequence
OMIM ID313700