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Gene Protein Transcript Promoter Expression GO/PPI PubMed Cross reference

Gene Ontology information for Adra1a (Mus musculus)
(Information is obtained from AmiGO)
GO:0001985negative regulation of heart rate involved in baroreceptor response to increased systemic arterial blood pressureIMP
GO:0001994norepinephrine-epinephrine vasoconstriction involved in regulation of systemic arterial blood pressureIMP
GO:0001996positive regulation of heart rate by epinephrine-norepinephrineIGI
GO:0001997positive regulation of the force of heart contraction by epinephrine-norepinephrineIGI
GO:0006950response to stressISO
GO:0007165signal transductionIEA
GO:0007186G-protein coupled receptor protein signaling pathwayIEA
GO:0007200activation of phospholipase C activity by G-protein coupled receptor protein signaling pathway coupled to IP3 second messengerIDA
GO:0007202activation of phospholipase C activityISO
GO:0007204elevation of cytosolic calcium ion concentrationISO
GO:0007512adult heart developmentIGI
GO:0009725response to hormone stimulusISO
GO:0016049cell growthIGI
GO:0032229negative regulation of synaptic transmission, GABAergicISO
GO:0035024negative regulation of Rho protein signal transductionISO
GO:0035265organ growthIGI
GO:0042493response to drugISO
GO:0043410positive regulation of MAPKKK cascadeIGI
GO:0045760positive regulation of action potentialISO
GO:0045907positive regulation of vasoconstrictionISO
GO:0060402calcium ion transport into cytosolISO
GO:0060452positive regulation of cardiac muscle contractionISO
GO:0070374positive regulation of ERK1 and ERK2 cascadeISO
GO:0071875adrenergic receptor signaling pathwayIDA
GO:0071875adrenergic receptor signaling pathwayIMP
GO:0071875adrenergic receptor signaling pathwayISO
GO:0090037positive regulation of protein kinase C signaling cascadeISO
GO:0005624membrane fractionIDA
GO:0005886plasma membraneIEA
GO:0016021integral to membraneIEA
GO:0004871signal transducer activityIEA
GO:0004872receptor activityIEA
GO:0004930G-protein coupled receptor activityIEA
GO:0004935adrenergic receptor activityIEA
GO:0004937alpha1-adrenergic receptor activityIDA
GO:0004937alpha1-adrenergic receptor activityIMP
GO:0004937alpha1-adrenergic receptor activityISO

Protein-protein interaction details for Adra1a (Mus musculus)
(Information is obtained from BioGRID)
Not available