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Gene Protein Transcript Promoter Expression GO/PPI PubMed Cross reference

Gene Ontology information for Lpar1 (Rattus norvegicus)
(Information is obtained from AmiGO)
GO:0000187activation of MAPK activityIEA
GO:0000187activation of MAPK activityISO
GO:0007186G-protein coupled receptor protein signaling pathwayIMP
GO:0007186G-protein coupled receptor protein signaling pathwayISO
GO:0007186G-protein coupled receptor protein signaling pathwayTAS
GO:0010942positive regulation of cell deathIMP
GO:0010977negative regulation of neuron projection developmentIMP
GO:0032060bleb assemblyIEA
GO:0032060bleb assemblyISO
GO:0035025positive regulation of Rho protein signal transductionIEA
GO:0035025positive regulation of Rho protein signal transductionISO
GO:0043065positive regulation of apoptosisIMP
GO:0043123positive regulation of I-kappaB kinase/NF-kappaB cascadeIEA
GO:0043123positive regulation of I-kappaB kinase/NF-kappaB cascadeISO
GO:0043410positive regulation of MAPKKK cascadeIEA
GO:0043410positive regulation of MAPKKK cascadeISO
GO:0051482elevation of cytosolic calcium ion concentration involved in G-protein signaling coupled to IP3 second messengerIDA
GO:0060999positive regulation of dendritic spine developmentIDA
GO:0071453cellular response to oxygen levelsIEP
GO:0071673positive regulation of smooth muscle cell chemotaxisIMP
GO:0005886plasma membraneIDA
GO:0009986cell surfaceISO
GO:0009986cell surfaceISS
GO:0016021integral to membraneIEA
GO:0030139endocytic vesicleIEA
GO:0030139endocytic vesicleISO
GO:0043197dendritic spineIDA
GO:0043198dendritic shaftIDA
GO:0001619lysosphingolipid and lysophosphatidic acid receptor activityIDA
GO:0001619lysosphingolipid and lysophosphatidic acid receptor activityIMP
GO:0001619lysosphingolipid and lysophosphatidic acid receptor activityISO
GO:0001965G-protein alpha-subunit bindingIMP
GO:0004871signal transducer activityIEA
GO:0004872receptor activityIEA
GO:0004930G-protein coupled receptor activityTAS
GO:0005543phospholipid bindingIDA
GO:0005543phospholipid bindingIMP
GO:0030165PDZ domain bindingIEA
GO:0030165PDZ domain bindingISO

Protein-protein interaction details for Lpar1 (Rattus norvegicus)
(Information is obtained from BioGRID)
Not available