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Gene Protein Transcript Promoter Expression GO/PPI PubMed Cross reference

Gene Ontology information for Calca (Mus musculus)
(Information is obtained from AmiGO)
GO:0001935endothelial cell proliferationISO
GO:0001944vasculature developmentISO
GO:0001976neurological system process involved in regulation of systemic arterial blood pressureISA
GO:0001984vasodilation of artery involved in baroreceptor response to increased systemic arterial blood pressureIMP
GO:0002027regulation of heart rateIMP
GO:0002548monocyte chemotaxisISO
GO:0006874cellular calcium ion homeostasisIGI
GO:0006954inflammatory responseIDA
GO:0007159leukocyte cell-cell adhesionISO
GO:0007189activation of adenylate cyclase activity by G-protein signaling pathwayIGI
GO:0007190activation of adenylate cyclase activityIDA
GO:0007190activation of adenylate cyclase activityISA
GO:0007190activation of adenylate cyclase activityISO
GO:0007204elevation of cytosolic calcium ion concentrationISO
GO:0007218neuropeptide signaling pathwayIDA
GO:0007528neuromuscular junction developmentIMP
GO:0007566embryo implantationISO
GO:0007631feeding behaviorIDA
GO:0008016regulation of heart contractionISO
GO:0008217regulation of blood pressureIMP
GO:0009408response to heatIMP
GO:0010523negative regulation of calcium ion transport into cytosolISO
GO:0030279negative regulation of ossificationIMP
GO:0031645negative regulation of neurological system processIMP
GO:0032147activation of protein kinase activityISO
GO:0032730positive regulation of interleukin-1 alpha productionISO
GO:0032757positive regulation of interleukin-8 productionISO
GO:0043542endothelial cell migrationISO
GO:0045651positive regulation of macrophage differentiationISO
GO:0045671negative regulation of osteoclast differentiationISO
GO:0045762positive regulation of adenylate cyclase activityISO
GO:0045776negative regulation of blood pressureIMP
GO:0045776negative regulation of blood pressureISA
GO:0045776negative regulation of blood pressureISO
GO:0045778positive regulation of ossificationIMP
GO:0045779negative regulation of bone resorptionISO
GO:0045785positive regulation of cell adhesionIDA
GO:0045892negative regulation of transcription, DNA-dependentISO
GO:0045909positive regulation of vasodilationISO
GO:0045986negative regulation of smooth muscle contractionIDA
GO:0045986negative regulation of smooth muscle contractionISO
GO:0048240sperm capacitationISA
GO:0048265response to painIMP
GO:0050727regulation of inflammatory responseISO
GO:0050965detection of temperature stimulus involved in sensory perception of painIMP
GO:0051480cytosolic calcium ion homeostasisISO
GO:0051482elevation of cytosolic calcium ion concentration involved in G-protein signaling coupled to IP3 second messengerISO
GO:0005576extracellular regionIDA
GO:0005576extracellular regionTAS
GO:0005615extracellular spaceIDA
GO:0005615extracellular spaceISO
GO:0043005neuron projectionIDA
GO:0043025neuronal cell bodyIDA
GO:0043195terminal buttonIDA
GO:0005102receptor bindingIDA
GO:0005102receptor bindingISO
GO:0005102receptor bindingTAS
GO:0005179hormone activityIEA
GO:0031716calcitonin receptor bindingIDA
GO:0031716calcitonin receptor bindingISO

Protein-protein interaction details for Calca (Mus musculus)
(Information is obtained from BioGRID)
Not available