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Gene Protein Transcript Promoter Expression GO/PPI PubMed Cross reference

Gene Ontology information for HMGCS2 (Homo sapiens)
(Information is obtained from AmiGO)
GO:0001822kidney developmentIEA
GO:0001889liver developmentIEA
GO:0006695cholesterol biosynthetic processIEA
GO:0007420brain developmentIEA
GO:0007494midgut developmentIEA
GO:0007584response to nutrientIEA
GO:0008299isoprenoid biosynthetic processIEA
GO:0009266response to temperature stimulusIEA
GO:0009617response to bacteriumIEA
GO:0010038response to metal ionIEA
GO:0030324lung developmentIEA
GO:0032869cellular response to insulin stimulusIEA
GO:0032870cellular response to hormone stimulusIEA
GO:0033555multicellular organismal response to stressIEA
GO:0033574response to testosterone stimulusIEA
GO:0033762response to glucagon stimulusIEA
GO:0034014response to triglycerideIEA
GO:0034284response to monosaccharide stimulusIEA
GO:0034696response to prostaglandin F stimulusIEA
GO:0042493response to drugIEA
GO:0042594response to starvationIEA
GO:0043441acetoacetic acid biosynthetic processTAS
GO:0044255cellular lipid metabolic processTAS
GO:0045471response to ethanolIEA
GO:0046950cellular ketone body metabolic processTAS
GO:0046951ketone body biosynthetic processTAS
GO:0051591response to cAMPIEA
GO:0060416response to growth hormone stimulusIEA
GO:0060612adipose tissue developmentIEA
GO:0070543response to linoleic acidIEA
GO:0071222cellular response to lipopolysaccharideIEA
GO:0071230cellular response to amino acid stimulusIEA
GO:0071385cellular response to glucocorticoid stimulusIEA
GO:0071398cellular response to fatty acidIEA
GO:0071407cellular response to organic cyclic compoundIEA
GO:0005743mitochondrial inner membraneIEA
GO:0005759mitochondrial matrixTAS
GO:0003824catalytic activityIEA
GO:0004421hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase activityIEA
GO:0016740transferase activityIEA

Protein-protein interaction details for HMGCS2 (Homo sapiens)
(Information is obtained from BioGRID)
Interacting human proteinExperimentTypePubMed ID
YWHAQAffinity Capture-MSphysical20618440