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Gene Protein Transcript Promoter Expression GO/PPI PubMed Cross reference

Gene Ontology information for Msh3 (Rattus norvegicus)
(Information is obtained from AmiGO)
GO:0006281DNA repairISO
GO:0006298mismatch repairIEA
GO:0006298mismatch repairISO
GO:0016446somatic hypermutation of immunoglobulin genesISO
GO:0016447somatic recombination of immunoglobulin gene segmentsISO
GO:0043570maintenance of DNA repeat elementsIEA
GO:0043570maintenance of DNA repeat elementsISO
GO:0045910negative regulation of DNA recombinationIEA
GO:0045910negative regulation of DNA recombinationISO
GO:0051096positive regulation of helicase activityIEA
GO:0051096positive regulation of helicase activityISO
GO:0032302MutSbeta complexIEA
GO:0032302MutSbeta complexISO
GO:0003677DNA bindingISO
GO:0003684damaged DNA bindingISO
GO:0003697single-stranded DNA bindingISO
GO:0019237centromeric DNA bindingISO
GO:0019899enzyme bindingIEA
GO:0019899enzyme bindingISO
GO:0030983mismatched DNA bindingIEA
GO:0030983mismatched DNA bindingISO
GO:0032137guanine/thymine mispair bindingISO
GO:0032139dinucleotide insertion or deletion bindingISO
GO:0032142single guanine insertion bindingIEA
GO:0032142single guanine insertion bindingISO
GO:0032181dinucleotide repeat insertion bindingIEA
GO:0032181dinucleotide repeat insertion bindingISO
GO:0032357oxidized purine DNA bindingIEA
GO:0032357oxidized purine DNA bindingISO
GO:0042803protein homodimerization activityISO

Protein-protein interaction details for Msh3 (Rattus norvegicus)
(Information is obtained from BioGRID)
Not available