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Gene Protein Transcript Promoter Expression GO/PPI PubMed Cross reference

Gene Ontology information for OXTR (Homo sapiens)
(Information is obtained from AmiGO)
GO:0001967suckling behaviorIEA
GO:0001975response to amphetamineIEA
GO:0006936muscle contractionTAS
GO:0007166cell surface receptor linked signaling pathwayTAS
GO:0007186G-protein coupled receptor protein signaling pathwayIEA
GO:0007204elevation of cytosolic calcium ion concentrationIEA
GO:0007507heart developmentIEA
GO:0007565female pregnancyIEA
GO:0010701positive regulation of norepinephrine secretionIEA
GO:0014070response to organic cyclic compoundIEA
GO:0021537telencephalon developmentIEA
GO:0032230positive regulation of synaptic transmission, GABAergicIEA
GO:0032355response to estradiol stimulusIEA
GO:0032570response to progesterone stimulusIEA
GO:0034059response to anoxiaIEA
GO:0034097response to cytokine stimulusIEA
GO:0035176social behaviorIEA
GO:0042220response to cocaineIEA
GO:0042493response to drugIEA
GO:0042711maternal behaviorIEA
GO:0042713sperm ejaculationIEA
GO:0042755eating behaviorIEA
GO:0043434response to peptide hormone stimulusIEA
GO:0044058regulation of digestive system processIEA
GO:0048565digestive tract developmentIEA
GO:0051965positive regulation of synapse assemblyIEA
GO:0051968positive regulation of synaptic transmission, glutamatergicIEA
GO:0060137maternal process involved in parturitionIEA
GO:0060206estrous cycle phaseIEA
GO:0060406positive regulation of penile erectionIEA
GO:0060455negative regulation of gastric acid secretionIEA
GO:0070371ERK1 and ERK2 cascadeIEA
GO:0070474positive regulation of uterine smooth muscle contractionIEA
GO:0005886plasma membraneTAS
GO:0005887integral to plasma membraneTAS
GO:0005913cell-cell adherens junctionIEA
GO:0016021integral to membraneIEA
GO:0016324apical plasma membraneIEA
GO:0004871signal transducer activityIEA
GO:0004872receptor activityIEA
GO:0004930G-protein coupled receptor activityIEA
GO:0004990oxytocin receptor activityIEA
GO:0005000vasopressin receptor activityIEA
GO:0017046peptide hormone bindingIEA

Protein-protein interaction details for OXTR (Homo sapiens)
(Information is obtained from BioGRID)
Interacting human proteinExperimentTypePubMed ID
GRK5Affinity Capture-Westernphysical10858434