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Gene Protein Transcript Promoter Expression GO/PPI PubMed Cross reference

Gene Ontology information for Nr4a3 (Rattus norvegicus)
(Information is obtained from AmiGO)
GO:0001707mesoderm formationIEA
GO:0001707mesoderm formationISO
GO:0007411axon guidanceIEA
GO:0007411axon guidanceISO
GO:0021766hippocampus developmentIEA
GO:0021766hippocampus developmentISO
GO:0030534adult behaviorIEA
GO:0030534adult behaviorISO
GO:0031100organ regenerationIEP
GO:0033554cellular response to stressIEA
GO:0033554cellular response to stressISO
GO:0042472inner ear morphogenesisISO
GO:0043066negative regulation of apoptosisISO
GO:0043434response to peptide hormone stimulusIEP
GO:0043524negative regulation of neuron apoptosisIEA
GO:0043524negative regulation of neuron apoptosisISO
GO:0045787positive regulation of cell cycleIEA
GO:0045787positive regulation of cell cycleISO
GO:0045944positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoterISO
GO:0048752semicircular canal morphogenesisIEA
GO:0048752semicircular canal morphogenesisISO
GO:0050885neuromuscular process controlling balanceIEA
GO:0050885neuromuscular process controlling balanceISO
GO:0060005vestibular reflexIEA
GO:0060005vestibular reflexISO
GO:2000108positive regulation of leukocyte apoptosisIEA
GO:2000108positive regulation of leukocyte apoptosisISO
GO:0005667transcription factor complexIEA
GO:0005667transcription factor complexISO
GO:0001077RNA polymerase II core promoter proximal region sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity involved in positive regulation of transcriptionIEA
GO:0001077RNA polymerase II core promoter proximal region sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity involved in positive regulation of transcriptionISO
GO:0003677DNA bindingIDA
GO:0003700sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activityIEA
GO:0003707steroid hormone receptor activityIEA
GO:0004872receptor activityIEA
GO:0008270zinc ion bindingIEA
GO:0043565sequence-specific DNA bindingIEA
GO:0043565sequence-specific DNA bindingISO
GO:0046872metal ion bindingIEA

Protein-protein interaction details for Nr4a3 (Rattus norvegicus)
(Information is obtained from BioGRID)
Not available